Endangered species
By News Editors
Raul Ilargi Meijer: “Kill Monsanto before it kills your kids”
There are a lot of industries in our world that wreak outsized amounts of havoc. Think the biggest global banks and oil companies. Think plastics. But there is one field that is much worse than all others: agro-chemicals. At some point, not that long ago, the largest chemical producers, who until then had kept themselves busy producing Agent […]
By JD Heyes
Another species of bee added to the endangered list, almost wiped out by Monsanto
In case you thought that reporting on the rapidly diminishing number of bee colonies around the country was being over-hyped, this should tell you that prior warnings were spot-on, and indeed, prophetic. For the first time ever, a rare bee species is being placed on the endangered species list, giving them special legal protections enshrined in […]
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